
C60 Evo Update with Patty Greer & Richard Syrett

Sep 23, 2024 | C60/ESS60 Information, Interviews

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C60 Evo Update with Patty Greer & Richard Syrett

Richard Syrett is our healthiest influencer and he’s 60 years old. He joined us in the beginning of C60 Evo and has been taking a tablespoon of our olive oil every day for 5 years! His wife loves the products as well. He said, “I take it religiously every morning, a tablespoon, and I just keep going and going and going and going – with no aches or pains or gray hair at all.” He continued by saying that there’s nothing else like it because it’s 172 times more powerful than vitamin C as an antioxidant. It’s an antiviral, antibacterial and anti-everything that’s bad for you! Richard elaborates on the benefits that he and his family are noticing which is more mental focus and deeper sleep = really important. Richard finds our C60 Evo olive oil to be a “serenity serum” for him because he never gets upset anymore. He has 16-year-old s twins so he has every opportunity, but the C60 Evo Olive Oil keeps him super calm. He claimed that he used to get aggravated when he was younger, but since taking the ESS60 he stays really calm no matter what. Even his wife is commenting that he’s different.

Patty explains that her partners Chris Burres and Robert Wong have been manufacturing carbon fullerenes since 1991 and selling to research institutions around the world. Three scientists received the Nobel prize in 1996 for the carbon 60 molecule, and the sample most likely came from our Houston Texas lab. In 2012 our lab delivered the C60 EVO Olive Oil formula to the “2012 Paris Baati Study” for C60 toxicity. Not only were the results negative for toxicity, but the test subjects lived 90% longer than the other group and they died without any tumors which was historic! Delivering a 90% life extension holds the record as the longest longevity test results in history on lab mammals. C60 EVO delivers!

We founded C60 EVO in 2019 and the lab upgraded the cleaning process extensively to become pure ESS60, which is made specifically for people and pets. This is what’s in all of our products. There’s a big difference between industrial grade C60 and pure ESS60 and that’s what makes C60 Evo different. People need to be mindful about where they buy their C60 Products because some online C60 companies claim that their C60 can extend life 90% longer, which is somewhat misleading. The Paris test sample did not come from their lab, it came from ours in Houston, Texas and the cleaning process is completely different than what the other companies are selling, potentially industrial grade C60.

C60 is naturally occurring, but there’s not enough of it found yet in nature. Chris and Robert were told by a college professor 33 years ago that they should figure out how to produce C60 fullerenes because it’s more valuable than gold per ounce! In 1991 they built a huge metal reactor machine to manufacture C60 in their Houston Texas lab. They literally burn graphite rods at the heat of the sun in an inert metal chamber. It’s been one of the best molecules found for numerous industrial applications including manufacturing ink, tires, batteries and photo cells since the 1990s. People started experimenting with ingesting the molecule after the 2012 Paris test results proved it wasn’t toxic. And the rest is history!

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